Easy Tips To Avoid Threats Stagefright Android Smartphone

Easy Tips To Avoid Threats Stagefright Android Smartphone - Still remember the news about Android is so vulnerable to attacks by hackers? Yes, nearly one billion Android users privacy security is threatened because of something that is in the system smartphone.

Easy Tips To Avoid Threats Stagefright Android Smartphone

Weakness called Stagefright have reason to make users of Google's operating system is anxious to be exposed by cyber criminals. Stagefright may be a reason to live in fear because they do not know when the Android device you will be attacked by hackers only with a simple short message. With the attack of various features in smartphones, such as data, camera, microphone to be able to be infiltrated, and even controlled remotely by hackers.

Pretty scary, is not it? But fortunately it has never happened in the real world. Only researchers in Zimperium capable of doing this and no one else hackers found a way to activate Stagefright to your smartphone. This fact certainly invites a question mark, did this happen?

Without a record of events, it is very difficult to measure how Stagefright danger will threaten your life. But in fact this can be solved with a way to overcome that is by not activating automatic retrieving messages or MMS on your Messaging application. To turn it off, find the option in the settings (settings) Messaging application to then turn off the feature. By doing so, you will not be downloading media files are purposely created to ruin your life automatically.

Now you no longer need to worry targeted by hackers due to a variety of short message, in whatever form, will not be able to enter arbitrarily into your smartphone. Easy, is not it?