Tips: Give Apple Official Guide To Preventing Problems Crash iMessage on iPhone

Tips: Give Apple Official Guide To Preventing Problems Crash iMessage on iPhone - A few days ago you may have read about a new bug in iOS that allows an iPhone crashes and reboots just because receive an SMS in iMessage with special format. Aware that this problem has the potential to complicate the users, Apple has now announced a tips to overcome them via their official website.
Tips: Give Apple Official Guide To Preventing Problems Crash iMessage on iPhone

1. Tell Siri to read the unread messages
2. Use Siri to reply to the message; by replying to this message, then users will be free to access the thread in iMessage without worry about going crashes
3. Immediately remove related messages

Manner recommended by Apple is very similar to the tips that have been distributed yesterday, despite what is presented by Apple apparently intended for users who only have the iPhone alone (without a Mac). Apple said that they were fully aware of this bug and middle seeking a feature to immediately block the SMS contains special characters that can cause crashes before, though not provide information when they are ready to release it.