Mailed Bomb your iPhone iMessage? It's Easy Way To combat that

Mailed Bomb your iPhone iMessage? It's Easy Way To combat that - Today appeared a report about a new bug in IOS that causes the iPhone crashes and reboots each time receiving an SMS with a special character. From experience they had done before, such as SMS format is commonly used as revenge or terrorize someone (possibly ex-girlfriend).

Mailed Bomb your iPhone iMessage? It's Easy Way To combat that

Such lately you happen to be dealing with parties often behave ominous and worried that you will get a similar SMS shipment, there is an easy way to defeat terror.

If you have a Mac computer, there is an easy way to avoid the SMS. Note that SMS is sent via iMessage, you can open the SMS content on your Mac computer by using the Messages application.

If iDevice yours is just an iPhone, you can send an SMS behind the dangerous sheet through share (the box that appears after you press the share button), or ask Siri reply to the SMS.

With malicious SMS reply to the sender, then you will be able to re-open iMessage smoothly, alias iMessage counteracting bombs were delivered earlier. Message content before you balaskan need not wordy; 'Hey' alone can annul the effect.

For users of iPhone 5s, The Verge noted that iMessage bomb would still be opened directly via the lock screen, even though the content of the message will open with very slow (not to crash). Users can then immediately send a reply to neutralize the bomb iMessage.