Tips & Tricks iOS 7

Tips & Tricks iOS 7  - Here we provide tips and tricks that iOS 7 efficiently  - Tips and Tricks iOS 7 will be updated constantly .

Tips & Tricks iOS 7

Tip 1 : Trick Secret Messages App

How to delete a message Messages ( PM )

Confused with minimalist UI ( Flat UI ) given Apple ? difficulty how to delete certain messages in the Messages App? the following way .

Open the Messages application . If you want to delete all messages from a conversation with someone or just a specific message ? If you remove all the conversation is easy enough. In the list Pecakapan where there nama2 of conversation . To erase the message quite sweeping from right to left there will be a Red Button ( Clear / Delete ) . The second way to delete all messages simply by pressing the Edit button at the top and select the list of messages would be removed .

As for removing certain conversations , only one way to open a conversation and tap conversations would be removed no later Buble More press menu and there will be a menu to delete all or just certain conversations . In this menu there is a menu later also to the conversation forward .

Viewing Hours Send Message ( Messages)

For this step , do the same to delete a message , but in the details of the conversation . Live chat screen aja brush from Right to Left would later appear Hours Send the message .

Making a Call directly from Messaging

In detail message top right there is the Contact menu , please press the menu it will be out Sub Menu ( phone , facetime and i ) immediately if we want to call tap the telephone icon . If you want to see contact press i .
Tip 2 : Optimization Safari App

Safari app on iOS 7 recast quite large , compared to iOS 6 generations down Safari on iOS 7 more spacious and airy with a minimalist impression are felt .

How to Erase Tab

How to remove the tabs apart by pressing the X button , we could also removes a way to Swipe Right to Left

Private Browsing

In Google Chrome commonly known as Incognito , whereas in the known Safari Private Browsing . To access this menu , go to Menu tab and on the bottom left there is Private Browsing .

Tip 3 : Spotlight : Finding Data & Applications

Since the iOS 7 , Spotlight can usually be accessed by way Swipe to the left of the Home Screen Main has disappeared . Now to show the city looking for much easier . Wherever position your home screen , simply swipe down from the screen and the search box will appear at the bottom of the status bar

Tip 4 : Control Center and Notification Center

iOS 7 more play Swipe2 , enough to display the Notification Center Swipe down from the top of the screen , while the Control Center to access sufficient swipe upwards from the bottom of the screen .

5 Tips : How to Block SMS / Phone in iOS 7

iOS 7 introduces a feature for blocking or SMS and Call of the number , or specific name . The way is easy . Go to the Settings / Settings > Phone or Settings > Messages or Settings > Facetime . And please add the contact to be on the block . It should be noted , this block is universal . so no matter where accessible from the menu then all will be in blocks of 3 's services .

Tip 6 : Closing Application

Now close the application by means of swipe up . How to access the Task app by clicking the Home 2x then enough to remove the swipe -up app bersangkuta applications .

Tip 7 : Folder now Multipage

Folders can now accommodate more applications . So just fill in the application folder at will and enjoy Folders that hold more apps

There is a slight different in the iOS 7 . Normally in iOS 6 or earlier we would know pengisihan full battery or not , in iOS 7 it does not exist anymore . There is only what percentage the battery is charged . So who asked how to find out the full battery in ios 7 . Way is to look at what percentage the battery is in the IOS 7