Tips: instagram printing is very easily in

Do you Instagram users ? wanted to print your Instagram photos ? There are several way .

Tips: instagram printing is very easily in

Most cost-effective , open your Instagram page , right click and hold it, the Save As on your computer one by one . After that , copy to the flash , then take it to a photo printing at your nearest place . What is the cost you spend ? Photo printing and transportation costs to printing , as well as waiting for the mold is completed or returned when making printouts .

What about his effort ? Want to print 32 photos have to right click one by one , it was exhausting . Printout was , at best yes in 3R or 4R photo paper . Not contrived album , should not bother playing Photoshop for the efficiency of printing paper , after the volume manually .

Long ? Hassle ? Exhausting ? Yes.

Well, that was the most -efficient way . What about the easiest way ?

The easiest way is to use Instagram photo printing services are fairly - clack - click - wait - pay - at - home . What else if not . : D

Simply clack - click

With , you do not need to bother right click and Save As to print . Simply login with your Instagram account , a list of the photos you can already chosen to be a cool product from .

Not only list your photos are appearing , but also of the timeline as well as a list of favorites ( like ) you . The process of selecting any interesting photographs , you can see how the real sequence of images and product form results so your photos will be. What are the products ?

3 types of products , and will continue to grow
In the meantime , provides 3 types of products that you can make a concrete manifestation of the photos of your cool Instagram . There is a Mini Book , Mini Sticker , and Square Photo . Each product offers several variants that you can customize to your needs .

Regarding the details , just read on the official website , because there has been described in enough detail about product information . Going forward , will launch another product types to print your photos . Wait , yes , it would be announced in the near future .
Not only Instagram photos , but also Facebook and photos from your computer

Hey , will not only serve loh Instagram photo printing . It is now in beta , is Instagram alone . But in the next feature , there will be a system to print photos directly from your computer , or from Facebook and other social networks .

Why is that ? Because realize , that you want to print photos with ease , but not all the photos you can publish it publicly in social networking . There are pictures that you really want their privacy is maintained. In addition, there are many social networking places besides Instagram photo published . So here for your convenience .

Print quality is assured indeed specialize in printing and photo printing . Automatic donk , vendors that work with Pictalogi also certainly very controlled quality. Pictalogi selecting vendors with good printing it , that can still produce a good print quality , of course with a good finishing touch also the internal team Pictalogi .

Example , for the Mini Book , after in - print paper will be coated with a matte laminate . For Mini Sticker , sticker paper bontax , and laser cutting . For Square Photo , photo paper used is Royal Doff , the highest quality , with the latest digital photo printing technology .
Simply do from home slogan is " Easy Photo Print , Simply from Home " . It's true , you do not need to move from your home or your computer . Were on the way ? Quiet , friendly website accessible from your smartphone , for use Javascript enabled browser .

Payment was made ​​by bank transfer . Now it has been able to transfer via mobile phone or internet banking , ATMs do not have to come to . Goods printout does not need to be taken , because it will be delivered by Pos Indonesia use the services . Amazingly, FREE postage !


Yes. After a long process of development , finally on December 6, 2013 and , released ! Who develop and manage , none other than the one my team , that Mimi Creative . official news release can be read on the official Tumblr of Pictalogi .

Instalogi deliberately altered so Pictalogi name , in order to accommodate not only the Instagram photos later . There are many ideas and development in the future. Just wait the good news from the official website ! .