This Key To Staying Healthy While You Have to Work While sitting for hours in front of computer - During this time you may have already read various medical reports stating that prolonged sitting in front of a computer screen is one of the main factors of the increasing number of cancer patients today. Journal of the National Cancer Institute notes that of the 70 thousand cases of cancer patients, prolonged sitting can increase the potential attack colon cancer by 24%, endometrial cancer by 32%, as well as lung cancer by 21%.
However, a new British study suggests that the results of the 2010 report is not entirely true. The research team led by Richard Pulsford of the University of Exeter who follow the physical activity of 5100 people in London since 1997 to determine how much time spent sitting at work, in front of the television and other places.
The result? Pulsford and his colleagues noted that the relationship between the duration of time each day to sit someone with a tendency to suffer from deadly diseases are not absolute.
The team studied groups was a general workers in the UK aged 35-55 years who underwent routine physical activity with a total duration of 12 hours each week and walk for at least 40 minutes every day. In other words, if the demands of daily work requires you to sit for hours, then you need to keep up regular exercise. As a rule, workers who work for 8 hours a day is recommended for at least stand a total of 2 hours while accompanied by a walk a little lighter or pacing in the workplace.
Another study also noted an interesting thing; a report published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine revealed that the tendency for sedentary or stay in one place affects the size of telomeres, the ends of the strands of DNA that are commonly associated with the age of a person and have information on age, disease and potential obesity.
2 groups of seniors who are equally suffering from the problem of excess weight, the group that during the research process more rarely sit their telomeres grow. Telomeres as cells grow and become younger physiologically. Especially for this case, regular exercise did not seem to have an impact that is too important, and the tendency to sit more rarely produce enough cells healthier body.
Even three studies mentioned above rather intersect with each other, but one thing that can be drawn as a conclusion is not to sit too long and get used to more frequent exercise. The activities should also not be too intense so you avoid potential injury, and subtract hobby linger while consuming soft drinks or instant food while working.
However, a new British study suggests that the results of the 2010 report is not entirely true. The research team led by Richard Pulsford of the University of Exeter who follow the physical activity of 5100 people in London since 1997 to determine how much time spent sitting at work, in front of the television and other places.
The result? Pulsford and his colleagues noted that the relationship between the duration of time each day to sit someone with a tendency to suffer from deadly diseases are not absolute.
The team studied groups was a general workers in the UK aged 35-55 years who underwent routine physical activity with a total duration of 12 hours each week and walk for at least 40 minutes every day. In other words, if the demands of daily work requires you to sit for hours, then you need to keep up regular exercise. As a rule, workers who work for 8 hours a day is recommended for at least stand a total of 2 hours while accompanied by a walk a little lighter or pacing in the workplace.
Another study also noted an interesting thing; a report published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine revealed that the tendency for sedentary or stay in one place affects the size of telomeres, the ends of the strands of DNA that are commonly associated with the age of a person and have information on age, disease and potential obesity.
2 groups of seniors who are equally suffering from the problem of excess weight, the group that during the research process more rarely sit their telomeres grow. Telomeres as cells grow and become younger physiologically. Especially for this case, regular exercise did not seem to have an impact that is too important, and the tendency to sit more rarely produce enough cells healthier body.
Even three studies mentioned above rather intersect with each other, but one thing that can be drawn as a conclusion is not to sit too long and get used to more frequent exercise. The activities should also not be too intense so you avoid potential injury, and subtract hobby linger while consuming soft drinks or instant food while working.