IMessage group You Too Noisy? This notification Deadly Easy Way

IMessage group You Too Noisy? This notification Deadly Easy Way - The new switch to using the iPhone 6, and now you're stuck in a series of group in iMessage ranging from school alumni groups, office colleagues, friends hangout, family and much more? If you are in these conditions, it is almost certain that your iPhone like never rested to discuss various things. You obviously do not want the new iPhone is actually causing difficulty in concentrating in your daily work instead?

IMessage group You Too Noisy? This notification Deadly Easy Way

If you want to reduce the intensity of the notification that appears on the iPhone screen, but do not want to hurt the feelings of colleagues who have invited you to participate in a conversation, there is an easy way to no longer be bothered by the invasion of such notification.

Just open your interrupt routine group, then open the option Details> and activate the option 'Do Not Disturb.' In this way, iMessage will turn off the notifications of each new message that appears in the group, and you still can access and participate joined in the conversation after you finish work routines.

However if you feel that the group had gone too far and too many annoying people who did not need to oblivious, you can simply select the option 'Leave This Conversation' to leave the group. It should be noted that this option applies to groups where all members use 8 & iMessage iOS, also text with members of the group of 3 or more. Not only that, your departure from the group will also be clearly visible to members of other groups.