How to Make Travel Video Cool with iPhone

How to Make Travel Video Cool with iPhone -Is preparing for the holiday? To any purpose, would always pleasant holiday. It would be nice if you could capture the moment vacation with loved ones or even vacation alone. There are various ways to do this, ranging from writing a journal to create a video journey. Feel no talent to write? Quiet, photos can talk. Bored with the photos? Why not make a video course? Creating a video journey is not easy, you have to prepare the right equipment. Do not have to use a professional video camera, because smartphones are now also equipped with a video feature that can be used. Confused how to begin? You can listen to the following tips.

How to Make Travel Video Cool with iPhone

Selecting combat equipment

Currently there are a variety of smartphone options available. But if you look at the many choices of video applications and accessories, the iPhone 6 is probably the best device for mobile video.


After the main device, you can also arm yourself with a few accessories, such as a variety of clip-on lens for a wider choice of colors or a wide-angle effect on the video footage. Such as wide-angle lens and macro Olloclip for example. This lens is quite small and easily paired with iPhone. Or Klyp case of Manfrotto case which has a variety of lenses.

Equally important accessories of course a tripod. You need a tripod to help stabilize the video, very useful when creating time-lapse video. The latter is an external battery pack. Of course you do not want to lose the moment just because smartphone battery suddenly depleted in the middle of recording video.


Finished with equipment and accessories, now is the time selecting an application. For the iPhone itself, the standard application iOS camera is good enough to take the video. Moreover, these applications include simple interface, so no need to waste time to choose the settings, just press the record button only. But if you want something new you can try filmic Pro application. This application provides manual controls for exposure, focus and flash. There are also applications 8MM to take video with vintage-style filters. Want a free application? Hyperlapse might be the right choice. This application lets you create time-lapse video stabilized easily without having to use a tripod. Stabilization also lets panning smoothly, every vibration of your hand will automatically be refined.

Time to shoot!

Determine the type of movie
Before you actually start you can determine what kind of video you want to create. Is a short holiday video diary during weekends? You can specify the location for video capture, such as in a car, train windows and when looking for a hotel. This footage will be able to help the narrative journey.

Pairs of eyes and ears

Do not just focus on the main tourist attraction. Note also the things around you, such as a street musician, traffic light that lights, street signs in various languages, grocery stores filled with local customers and distinctive landmarks that will make you remember the place.

Playing with angle

Try to play a more creative angle. Before you actually start filming, you can even experiment beforehand. For example you can point the camera to the top of the window as the bus drove to get an idea of ​​storey buildings.

Short duration, frequency often

When there are things that interest you, do a lot of thinking. Remove the iPhone and capture moments. The more clips, the more attractive your video. But not too long, the duration of each clip around 4-10 seconds. Well .. a duration of 20 seconds might seem short when you see a landscape with the naked eye, but when he saw it on the videotape, it may be like many years. Clip with a short duration are also easier to edit later.


Filming has been completed. But there's still work to do. To make a video journey intact, of course you have to combine all the clips with the help of the application, such as Replay or Magisto which can be downloaded for free. These applications will edit the selected video into a film automatically, complete along with effects and soundtrack. If you just want to share a simple video editing on a trip with friends on Facebook, this application is worth a try.

But if you want a more 'wow', then the iPad iMovie app is the answer. You can import video clips one by one, and then separating the desired section, choose different transitions between clips and add the soundtrack of music library or from a built-in theme. iMovie also lets you add 'voiceover' for scenes that require further explanation. Although the application is available for iPhone, but editing video on a device with a large screen will make it easier.

Well, are you ready to make your own trip movie?