How to Quickly Convert Color Photos to Black and White (OSX )

How to Quickly Convert Color Photos to Black and White (OSX ) - Color photo can be called as a technology that deserves thumbs up because in the past photo has only two colors , black and white (B & W). But now in the era of modern technology, BW photo became the main attraction.

How to Quickly Convert Color Photos to Black and White (OSX )
If you currently have a huge collection of color photos on the computer or iPhone, it never hurts to try to convert it to black and white. There is a quick way in Mac you can jajal to convert color photos to black and white.

1. The first thing you should do is create two folders on the desktop. The first folder named Convert to B & W, the second folder named Converted .

2. Run Automator. In the template chooser, select Folder Action, click Choose .

3. Furthermore, in the workflow area that appears , drag the folder Convert to B & W to the pop - up menu that appears at the top of the window , the menu that appears with the name of the Folder Action Receives Files and Folders Added To .

4. Now open the Files and Folders library , drag the Get Folder Contents into the workflow area .

5. Select the Photos library and drag it into Quarts Composition Apply Filters to Image Files . You will be prompted to add a folder to put a copy of the converted image . Select to add the folders , the action will be included in between two folders that you have created .

6. Drag Converter folder.

7. In the Apply quarts action, select Black and White from the pop - up menu .

8. Now save the workflow and name. Completed , and now you can try .

9. Drag a number of photos into folders Convert to B & W and see what happens . Copy photos in the folder will be created in the Converted , automatic in black and white :)