How to develop an app for android

How to develop an app for android - Did we just see the market opportunity is so great as a spectator or as a player ?. Therefore if you are interested in these opportunities already time to start learning how to make your own android applications. So whatever, should be prepared ?. Here are prepare that you must have to start make android application itself.
how to develop an app for android

1. Tools / Application Developer

A. Eclipse
In order for the manufacture of Android apps could be run properly then you need the Eclipse application . The application is in the form of an IDE (Integrated Developmnet Environtmen ) which serves to make or just develop applications based on Android. Eclipse has been chosen by the developers because it is considered easier and of course free with lisesensi Open source. Not was just too rich Eclipse plug - ins that are very helpful and make it easier to develop an application . Download here :

B. Netbeans
As with Eclipse , Netbeans application also IDE (Integrated Developmnet Environtmen ) that is widely used by the developers of Android applications . Netbeans is more suitable for those who wish to develop Java -based Android applications . This application can also use the free or free with an open source license . Download here :

2. Support Equipment
After menenutukan tool which will be used to develop or make your android based application so there are still some tool support in order to run the tool and can immediately make an Android-based application see below .

- Android SDK can be in here :

- Java SE Development Kit ( JDK ) can get here :

- Android Development Tool ( ADT ) read installation tutorial here

- Create Android Virtual Device ( AVD ) to test applications created on the PC .

3. Terms of Reference Tutorial and Android Development
Tutorial how to create android applications ranging from the beginner to the advanced level seen here :
