Tips: Restoring The Slow Speed ​​Android Smartphone

Tips: Restoring The Slow Speed ​​Android Smartphone - Have you ever felt your Android smartphone more and more slowly ? Yes , all users of Android will have it. Speed ​​the process of getting slowed down , but you have is a smartphone with a processor and arguably the latest specifications .
Tips: Restoring The Slow Speed ​​Android Smartphone
So , what should you do when you made ​​the turn with increasing speed slows smartphone ? Do not panic . There are several ways you can do to re- drag with your smartphone . Here are five tips to improve Android slows.

Remove Applications Rarely or Never Used

With so many free applications available in the Android Store, so do not be surprised when we are tempted to try them one by one . No matter how much we download . Toh , free .. Then you let the application in the pile just because lazy or delete saved , who knows will be useful .

This is one reason that makes your smartphone slowed by the applications running using CPU cycles for background services, gnawing block mem - fragment memory and storage space , and ultimately aggravate the operating system . Do not wait any longer , do not immediately remove the applications you need.

To remove the application in your smartphone , go to the Settings menu and find the menu " Apps " to organize your applications. Some of the smartphones we sometimes make it difficult to hide the " Apps " deep in the other menus . If you do not find it, try to ask your friends . Whom one of them is yours smartphone experts .

After opening the " Apps " tab select " Downloaded " and note the application registers yours . Tap the application that you want to get rid of and continue with the uninstall while saying goodbye to soggy ringleader your smartphone.

Discard Photos or Videos Improper Save

Some time after use , your application will accumulate the data in the memory of your smartphone . Remember when you said , " One shots again ! " when using the camera app ? All the photos that you do not want is still stored in your smart phone . Likewise, the screenshots you take to then be distributed to friends .

It is easy to handle . Simply go to the Gallery application and select photographs or images that do not need to save and delete from your smartphone . Do the same for your videos . Sometimes this means it may take longer because subconsciously you spend a lot of time , seeing the photos and videos of your savings before you actually throw sincere .

Next , open the folder you download from the App Drawer . You likely will find a variety of files , such as image , zip files , sound clips and other files that you do not need. Make sure that you do not need the file that you want to dispose of .

Finally, open the sub - menu in the Storage Settings and find the "Misc . " You will find a list of various files created by the application on your smartphone storage . If you find something you want, delete . But , do not arbitrarily delete files , especially files that you do not know . One can damage the operating system to delete one of your applications .

If you ever do a root and ROM , be sure to check the backup files and delete everything you do not need .

Clean Cached Data

Cached data is data that is automatically stored to the Local Storage , such as thumbnail images, so you do not need to download or generate again when re- opened . Indeed , the longer Cached data will be accumulated in your smartphone storage , but if you remove it then you have to use the internet again for the download quota or generate the file.

However , there is no harm in removing the Cached Data from applications that you rarely use . Moreover , these data often have bugs and cause abnormal running applications , especially those that are not up - to-date .

To clean it , go to the Settings page , then to Device Storage . Scroll down to find Cached data entry , and Tap . Some smartphones will find a pop - up notification that you could wipe out all of Cached Data . If you 've made ​​dizzy with the speed of your Android , delete them without hesitation .

Pay attention to your SD Card

Try to see your SD Card , probably the object that makes your smartphone slowing . All you have to do is to backup your SD Card , then bathe in a way that re- fresh reformat , then put back into its slot . The easiest way for this step is with the help of computers .

Keep in mind that this method can eliminate the games progress , application data , and other things that may not want to waste . If your favorite app is not using Google Cloud for storage space , think again to make this step .

How to reformat your SD Card is to turn off and remove Android from the SD Card slot. Place in adapter or card reader and connect it to your computer . Then , create a special folder on the computer desktop so you do not need to bother looking for it again . Copy all files from the SD Card and Paste it into the folder. Do a re-examination that all you want stored on your computer . Once everything is copied on a computer , unmount or eject the SD card from the computer and return it to the slot on your smartphone .

Restart the smartphone and go back to the sub - menu in the Settings Storage . Keep in mind that by doing the SD Card format , all the data stored on it will be erased . If you are sure , do the format , then turn off your smartphone again .

Remove the SD Card again , reconnect the computer and open the backup folder . Double-check the contents of the backup folder , who knows there are some files that you no longer want in your smartphone . After copying the data back to the SD card , plug it back in and turn your smartphone .

Once the smartphone is on, go to the App Drawer . Some of the applications may have errors . Only one way to fix that is go to Google and do a reinstall Play .

If you hate to do the steps above , then it's good when buying a new smartphone , you also buy a SD Card which has better quality and capacity as a precaution so no need to frequently perform this step .

When All Steps Above Not Giving Maximum Results , Do a Factory Reset

Doing a Factory Reset is very frustrating for many people . All memories with your smartphone will be destroyed in an instant . But , sometimes it is better than sacrifice continue to feel the pain of a slow smartphone .

Factory Reset will erase everything and make your smartphone back condition as when you first cuddle after being removed from the box . Your Smartphone will still have the latest update of the firmware , but all short messages and other data that is not stored in the cloud will disappear forever .

To make this great sacrifice , go to the Settings menu of your smartphone . Search menu containing the Backup , Restore , Reset , or Privacy . Once you find and select the Factory Reset , then say " Sayonara " is also at the levels of Angry Birds or Crush Candy you've been through .

After the Factory Reset process is successful , your smartphone will be back as a speeding city bus that had just dropped all passengers .