Blackbbery Tips: Speed up the process Wipe

Blackbbery Tips: Speed up the process Wipe - Many of the reports that I have received through this blog asking about ever wipe process they do. I immediately had experienced a long process wipe the first time do wipe the BlackBerry Z10 takes nearly an hour , when itupula Z10 chance I would immediately use. Maybe you have ever suffered from these things feel the same way too. That's my experience pertamakali telling you that the security wipe on the BlackBerry 10 could be time consuming . But on the other hand when I had never done another wipe on the BlackBerry, but do not take a long time . So the point that the wipe process can be done in a process that is relatively not too long . I have not found official information related to how long the BlackBerry wipe process is going on, or does BlackBerry has released her but I did not find that information .

Blackbbery Tips: Speed up the process Wipe

Select Reload or Wipe
From experience I can conclude that over time the wipe process can not be predicted whether long or short . The security wipe will erase all data nemun not guarantee to improve if there is a system crash or corupt , I often choose to reload than wipe. Results from wipe or reload will be the same that is returned keposisi Settings mill or factory setting , but the difference with the reload will ensure fresh system with no problem . Of course we have to reload the OS download source dimensions are not small and it takes a long time , but at least we already know about the time it takes to download and reload process , we can if can estimate any spare time to do a reload , and of course long time should not be tolerated because we waitand we can do other activities .

Tips to speed up the process wipe
If for any reason you have to wipe , then I will give you some tips to make the process go faster wipe . However, before running the tips I gave you should read my previous posts about the things that must be considered before committing to wipe your data security .

Deleting data manually
Wipe process will erase all the data that we never enter into the BlackBerry device that will certainly take some time , so to speed up the elimination of the current data we can remove themselves wipe manually through the device or through a computer . We just connect to the computer and browse to the files that we will delete . The data can be in the form of document files , photos or songs stored in internal memory .

Delete or uninstall applicationsIn addition to deleting the data , wipe process will also remove all the apps we've ever entered. With the application manually remove it when the wipe , not adalagi removal process and this application will streamline the process wipe . To delete an application is quite easy, just tap on the icon in the application that we want to remove , hold a few seconds to get out dustbin logo , logo tap the trash bin then the application will be deleted .

Delete data in the Hub
Hub is the flagship feature of BlackBerry 10 and the Hub store a lot of data in the incoming and outgoing messages , the more accounts the more data messages to that account , both email messages , bbm , sms , facebook , twitter or other social media . An easy way to remove the data is to delete the account that is in the hub , automatically pesannyapun the data will be lost and this reduces the time burden and wipe process .

Chace delete the data in the browser
So far I have not noticed how much data there is in the browser cache , but for the better good just deleted the browser cache . To remove app open browser then tap the option menu ( three dots in the bottom right ) and select settings . Search Privacy and Security and then tap Clear history and clear a cookie and other data.

The above tips do not guarantee that the process can be quick wipe , but at least it can be faster when in wipe without deleting data or existing applications . Because the process is not just wipe wipe data but also restores the system to the initial settings , so if there is a system crash or become corrupt can cause long process or even not finished - finished , or even the device becomes a problem .