Tips: How to Search for the Best Quick Step At Play Chess

How Finding the Best Steps in Playing Chess with Quick - Hi all Angeliadaiyu name and this time I want to share about how to find the best move quickly . In this article you can get an idea of ​​how a play can help you plan an effective play .

Tips: How to Search for the Best Quick Step At Play Chess

Many chess players who said that he could find the right step when analyzing a chess game , but he can not do it while playing chess . If given enough time I 'm sure these types of players will be able to search for the best move while playing . The problem is when playing chess we have to play fast or lose a lot of time , especially when playing blitz ( rapid chess ) .

In chess we stepped burdened with rules , principles , ideas etc. . On the other hand it helps us . Eventually it will be difficult for us because we have to consider various ideas that require very much time . Though we only have at least 3 minutes of time to think or even less than that .
Okay it's time to the real topic . I will share a basic of the game of chess . You have to know when to practice it while playing . A tough player will know when to use this method . In this article I will share the method .
It is time we move to a higher level . Before applying other methods

    First you have to know how much time that you can use to play chess .

Milsalnya 3 minutes or less . This could be your own count , for example you play 120 minutes in 40 steps . so stay the course

    120 minutes / 40 minutes = 3 step / step

If you play a 5 minute blitz game means you have to step up to 7.5 seconds per step.
Go to the next principle .

    You have to know when to think while playing chess and when to move quickly

There are four principles in doing this , it is:

    1 . When opening or opening you must move quickly

Opening is most convenient moment in the play through chess . You should know the main principles in the opening . If you have this you will easily learn through it . All you have to do is develop your chess pieces and occupy certain positions .
The bottom line is you have to use a little time in opening and saving the time for the next stage . This is a smart choice from the moment you have to make blunders middle game or end the game due to lack of time .

    2 . At the end of the opening you need to use your time to think and organize a plan

Most chess players have already heard this , but still some are not following this advice . The point is

    If you have a good plan you're going to play fast . And if you do not have plans to play slow with continued thinking in every step .

Come let us analyze one example :

       White plans that try to attack the weak pawn on d6 . White elephants do with putting in diagonal c3 and doubling the castle in d file . May need time to get this idea .

    When we already have a plan we will be able to move more quickly .

Let us follow how white do it

     2 . Steps You need to calculate the variation in the position and tactical thinking in general or the public at strategical positions

Modern chess players usually always thinking a step variation in each position . It will take a lot of time to do so . It would be wise if we just calculate in tactical positions .

    One of the biggest problems that plagues modern chess players is that they always calculate variations . It takes a lot of time and effort to do this , and Often it does not help to find the best move .
    Therefore you should focus your attention on the calculation only in tactical positions . ( Smirnov , the first GM , 2011)

 The problem is what is meant by tactical position

The above position is not a tactical position . There is no area that was attacked and all the chess pieces in a relaxed and peaceful state :) . You do not need to think hard in this position . You only need to think of a plan , maneuver , etc. . So the next step is 23 ... Nb5 25.Ra2 Na7 - 24.Qd1 h6 26.g3 -

Then black responds with 26 ... NG5

Current position into tactical positions .
So when a position becomes tactical position

    You have to start calculating the time of contact between fruit caturmu with your opponent or try to make contact with the opponent's chess pieces

At times like this you need to calculate the step to find the best move and not move mediocre .

    4 . Currently your position will lose or win you have to think much longer

I think probably almost all chess players have experienced this . When we are in a position that will win us ignore the calculations and it resulted in blunders , and resulted into defeat .
At the end of the article I want to try to share some advice when playing chess .

    1 . Look at the chess clock at each step ( recommendation from GM )
    2 . Compare the rest of your and your opponent's remaining time

What should you do when in a position that will run out of time :

    1 . Simpelkan position
    2 . Never start a complicated tactical positions
    3 . Prepare a sufficient time before the start position of the complex

Hopefully this post can be useful for all readers (best games)