Rows of Application to Change Android Smartphone Galaxy S5 Equivalent

Samsung Galaxy S5 is a smartphone that has the best features , because it has a variety of technologies that " care about the users " . But that does not mean those features angeliadaiyuer can not have, because Google Play Store is available in a variety of applications that can make your smartphone be on par with the Galaxy S5 .

Rows of Application to Change Android Smartphone Galaxy S5 Equivalent

What are the applications ? Just look at the list below :

Heart Rate Sensor
Samsung has equipped the Galaxy S5 S Health application . How to use it is also quite easy ,
angeliadaiyuer just put your finger over the sensor and the phone will automatically read your heart rate per minute . But that does not mean Jerukers can not have these advanced applications .
angeliadaiyuer simply find an application called Runtastic Heart App. Unlike the Galaxy S5 , you should take advantage of the camera sensor to calculate the heart rate . Interestingly , the data generated by this application is not much different from owned Health S Samsung Galaxy S5 .
selective FocusSamsung Galaxy S5 and M8 are two HTC phones that can adjust the focus from the images taken by each camera . However Jerukers still be able to get this feature by downloading the official app from Google .
You certainly never heard of Google's Camera app . Yes , this application can be installed on mobile phones with the Android operating system 4.4 and above. The application itself has a feature called Lens Blur can make
angeliadaiyuer choose which parts of the images that you want to focus on.
Private Mode
angeliadaiyuerwas one who often store data , files , or important and confidential documents inside a smartphone , then you are required to improve the security system of smart phones . Samsung does provide a feature called Private Mode , but it does not mean other Android smartphones can not keep up with the South Korean company .
angeliadaiyuer can instantly surf the Google Play Store and immediately find the App Lock . This application offers the same functionality with the features that made ​​Private Mode for Galaxy S5 . angeliadaiyuerstay specify a particular pin number to be able to open an application , programs , documents , and other things you normally do on a smartphone .
Kids Fashion
Along with technological development , even young children are also becoming more sophisticated in exploring intelligent devices . To secure the children from things that are not desirable , Samsung immediately provide a feature called Kids Mode , where this feature would restrict children's access to a device .
However, this feature can also Jerukers have. The trick is quite simple : live download the app named Kids Fashion Zoodies artificial . This application has been downloaded over 10 million times and become a mainstay of the best applications for the parents out there who want to keep their children out of the virtual world .
Ready to make your Android smartphone Samsung Galaxy S5 is equivalent to